Magic of Ancient Symbols


21 silver charms in a velvet pouch with guidebook.
Can be used as an alternative to angel cards, to help you overcome everyday problems.
They can also be used for meditation, spiritual development, inspiration and healing. Available for £19.99.

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How to use the Symbols for Healing / REIKI

The symbols can be used as a tool to “tune into” your client when you are giving healing. When you are ready to commence healing and your client is relaxed and receptive ask that he/she put their hand into the bag and choose a symbol. The symbol can then be placed within the energy field of the client during the healing session or if the client prefers, it can be held in the right hand.

During the healing session the client will be more receptive to “seeing” or understanding what ever problem they may be experiencing. As the healer you will find that working with the symbols increases your intuition with the client. When the healing is finished then you can discuss the meaning of the symbol and the affirmation that is provided in the guidebook .I have found that this helps clients open up emotionally and helps them move forward quickly .

After using symbols with a client, cleanse the energy of the symbols by placing them in the light for a short time, natural or sunlight is preferred.
The 21 symbols are anchor, butterfly, car, cross, cupid, dove, dragon, elephant, fish, footprint, guardian angel, heart, key, leaf, moon, owl, Pegasus, rose, snake, sun, tree.
The Guidebook contains the meanings to all of the symbols e.g. Anchor – The Strength that holds Fast.
The anchor is your strength and foundation. It is who you are and this needs to be steady, otherwise you will drift from where you are meant to be and you will lose sight of who you are. All too often we are distracted by external influences and the emotions of others. Recognise the strengths you have, rejoice within them and use these qualities to build the life you want. Do not let others take your foundation, your beliefs away from you. Be strong, stay focused and you will find peace.
Divinatory Meaning – strength, courage, energy used wisely, being strong to help loved ones.
Affirmation – I am strong in my belief of who I am and what I want from life.